Friday, January 12, 2007

Buenas a todos y todas

Hello all,

I am here in El Salvador. The trip was painless, and actually quite fun. I met an interesting guy on the plane from El Salvador and we spoke all most the whole way here. The past 48 hours have been so intense with orientation to the Casa program. We have already visited the UCA and even seen the rose garden where the 6 Jesuits and their 2 friends were murdered. Today we sat through hours of meeting about health and safety. My room is nice. I am living in a double by myself so i have plenty of room. It was quite surprising though to find that my living room has no roof and there are actually 2 trees growing there. Well, it´s actually more of a courtyard, but my room opens up right to the outside. There is an awesome hammock that hangs between the trees, and is great for taking siestas...if I ever have time. The Casa staff is amazing including the cooks who are preparing delicious food for us. (don´t worry Ma, it´s safe to eat) It is hot, but not as hot as I expected. At night it actually gets quite cool and I´m really glad to have my sweatshirt. The people I have met have all been so nice and welcoming, the other students and the Salvadorans. Tonight we are going for pupusas, yum. I hope you have enjoyed my rambling and first entry from El Salvador!

Hasta luego!


Anonymous said...

Dear Patrick,
It is so good to read your words. I was planning to get on and just say "thanks for letting us know you arrived safely" so other readers would know you had called on Wednesday night, but you beat me to it! I'm looking forward to hearing Everything!! On Wednesday you just kept saying it was "amazing." Your room sounds great and I'm quite confident the food they prepare for you is safe and delicious. How are the mosquitoes?

Anonymous said...

Hey Patchola,
Sounds like you're well launched in El Salvador. I've been telling all my friends that you're down there studying and people are so excited for you. I can't wait to hear the stories. You're missing wonderful weather here -- if you like scuba diving. Nonstop rain, gray's wishing we were there! Luv ya, mon.

AJ said...

sounds amazing! hope you're enjoying the sun and the VERY laid-back latin american lifestyle. when do classes start? keep in touch!


and ps: no worries, the volcano's not dangerous....... YET.... ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm visiting Grandma and Grandpa and took them on a tour of your weblog (including Ubuntu and others) and they want me to say
"you are in our thoughts and our prayers."

Anonymous said...

Bro! Sounds awesome! I can't wait to hear more from you. You're in my thoughts. Enjoy every second!

(p.s. we put up a new video on youtube:

I don't know if there's any way for you to see it, but I thought I'd let you know.)

lcmochapup said...

sounds amazing to me, hope you are having the time of your life! thanks for the birthday wishes and post some pics when you get the chance :-)
miss you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds amazing so far. We had a tree in our living room, too, but we've taken it down now....Oh, wait... that's not what you meant?? Seriously, what wonderful adventures and learning experiences you will have! Hearing about you and anni will get me through the winter here in gray, dull, boring cincinnati!

Anonymous said...

Hey Patrick,

I got the fireplace going today, and managed not to blow the house up -- yet, anyway. Hope you're enjoying your first weekend in San Salvador. It's M.L. King weekend up here, with remembrances of his heroic civil rights work...good stuff! Hugs to you and all your compadres, and best wishes for all the good work you and they will be blessed, son...

Anonymous said...

Hola Amigo,
Sounds like a great scene. Your digs sound a bit al fresco...shades of the dining room at Num+Jai! Nate headed back to Chi-town this am. We're supposed to have this rain turn to ice and/or snow. Don't you miss Enero en Cincy? Enjoy and keep those postings coming.

Remembering MLK today.

Anonymous said...

Hey kid. you're making me nostalgic for papusas and i didnt even like them that much. beware of sketch papusa toppings, they were the death of me while i was there. anyhow, chicago is ok, classes started today. I have the beautiful hector garcia, so i'm pleased =) Miss you.