Monday, January 22, 2007

busy few days

Well, a lot has happened since the last time I posted. First, we had a pretty intense earthquake last week. It was a 6.2 on the Richter scale and the epicenter was about 30km off the coast. But when it hit I just about soiled myself. That was the first time I had ever experienced anything like that.
On Sunday a group of us went to Puerto del Diablo. It is a beautiful place for hiking and there was an open air market. We hiked around some awesome rock formations and got into some pretty precarious spots…it was AWESOME. Many of you know how I love to chill out on rocks, so Sunday was like a dream. A couple of us had to leave early, but the other half of the group stuck around and got to do an awesome zip-line over a huge ravine. I was so jealous, but luckily it’s only about 30 minutes from the Casa, so watch out, I’ll be back.
Pandemic has hit the Casa community and left 12 people in bed today. They had the poops and the pukes. It was pretty narsty, and I am so blessed to be healthy. I’m sure my day will come soon enough. It was really a shame that it hit today too because today was our first day at our praxis site. My praxis partner was one inflicted with the bug so I had to make the journey to Tepecoyo by myself. Already on the first day I was helping teach computer skills. I was so overwhelmed by the language barrier, especially with the adults. The kids are fine and we can both laugh about my silly errors. The drive to Tepecoyo was exhausting too, with about 3 hours in the micro today.
I know it’s taken me so long to get some pictures posted to the blog, so I hope you can wait a little longer. The computers here take forever to load stuff up.
I think the word for the day is overwhelmed and tired. So with that—adios.



AJ said...

1. an earthquake! i must say i´m rather jealous, but i´m sure it was scary. i really wanted a (small) earthquake while i was in nica, but no such luck. and to think, YOU were worried that MY volcano would be dangerous this semester!
2. did you stand under a doorway like they always taught us in school?
3. i don´t think i will EVER get used to how dirty my feet are ALL THE TIME here.
4. keep having a blast!

Patrick said...


there wasn't enough time to shield myself, and there wasn't much a shake, it only rattled the windows. My feet have been eternally caked with Salvadoran dirt.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for posting photos and more news. Such a blessing. When you talk about the kids and how much easier it is to talk with them it reminds me of when Sonia first came to us and how much easier it was for her to talk with you and Nick.
It sounds like you do have a pandemic. Any likely source? Have you needed to take any of your Cipro?
I'll try to write more later. As hard as it must be to take the time to write to everyone and post photos, I hope you realize what a gift it is to everyone. We love you so much!! It is great to get a peak at what you have been experiencing on the other side of the rainbow. Earthquakes and pandemics and traveling alone, Oh my!